AUVSI Israel: IDF outlines SkyRider roadmap
The IDF is looking at ways to advance its SkyRider UAV to make it suitable for future missions, officials have revealed.
Maj Manahem Landau, MoD Directorate of Defense Research and Development (DDR&D) told the AUVSI Israel in Tel Aviv on 20 March that the army is currently working on the Block 10 variant of the system, and aims to deploy it by the end of this year.
The next system, based on the Elbit Skylark I LE, needs to accumulate heavier payloads, Landau said, as well as a larger and more useful load of 1.6KG; beyond line of sight capability through a communications relay; a C4I interface; on the move vehicle configuration; IR stabilised continuous zoom camera payload; and an embedded target tracker.
The current configuration which was operational during the second Lebanon War and has accumulated some 4,500 flight hours, weighs approximately 7kg, has a 1KG payload, is bungee or vehicle-launched and is operated by two personnel and is carried in a backpack.
'The ground forces realised they needed their own organic UAV so that the commander can decide when it needs to use one,' Landau said of the need for the system.
'The MoD and Elbit is investing to make the system better. Israel is a very small country. It is our obligation to see that the system developed from our side is good enough.'
R&D plans for the system also include enhanced target acquisition and sensor-to shooter capability 'for lower tactical echelon', as well as a combined day/night payload, and an area surveillance capability. It is also looking at a higher ceiling and longer range.
'We think it has a naval application. We're going to check the maximum range of the communications to see if the army and navy can use it,' Landau explained.
'We need to keep it robust and relevant. We need a good enough system. The most simple system is the most complicated in our experience.'
Source: By Beth Stevenson in Tel Aviv, Israel - 20 March 2012 - Shephard News
Photo: Israeli SkyRider UAV (Photo by Shephard Group)