India, China flex muscles on disputed border

India is expanding its fighting capability against China. 50,000 additional troops will be deployed on the Chinese border.
They will be specially trained and equipped for mountain warfare. All of the Indo-China border falls in the high Himalayas.The two countries have a longstanding border dispute. It led to a bloody battle between them in 1962. India accuses China of occupying 38,000 square kilometers of its territory in the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir, while the government in Beijing lays claim to 90,000 square kilometers of land in the state of Arunachal Pradesh in northeast India.
Troops will also have a support of new special weaponry. Ultra-light howitzers, light tanks, new helicopters, C-130J Super Hercules special operations aircraft will be inducted. There will also be six midair fuelling tankers to support the air force.The operation will cost the government around 11 to 12 billion dollars. It will take seven years to put the new force into action.
Since April this year border tensions have erupted again. India has alleged incursion by Chinese forces in Ladakh region of upper Himalayas. China had protested against the building of bunkers on the Indian side. The three-week confrontation ended with an agreement negotiated by army commanders and the through diplomatic channels.
The Indian army’s proposal for the expansion has been pending with the government since 2010.This development come as at a time when there have been reports of major military modernisation and building of new roads on the Chinese side of the border.
Analysts say though the potential for conflict along the Himalayan frontier remains, India is unlikely to position it's troops too close to the Chinese border at a time when both countries are working to resolve outstanding issues and improve ties.
Source: Iran Press TV News - 20 July 2013
Photo: The India Air Force C-130J Super Hercules special operations aircraft in Action. The C-130J Super Hercules turboprop military transport aircrafts of the Indian Air Force (IAF) dropping paratroopers.
The Indian Air Force (IAF) purchased six Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 turboprop military transport aircrafts under a deal over $1.059 billion for its special operations forces and exercise the option to purchase additional six C-130s in July 2012. (Photo by