Belgium’s first Airbus A400M flown

Belgium’s first Airbus A400M flown

Airbus Defence and Space has flown the first Belgian Air Force A400M, wearing temporary test registration A4M106,from Seville/San Pablo Airport, Spain on July 30.

The aircraft, tail number CT-02 (construction number 106), took to the air for its maiden flight and soon afterwards a Belgian AirComponent delegation was to begin delivery preparations.

This will lead to the aircraft being flown to Belgium, where it will join 15 Air Transport Wing at Brussels/Melsbroek.

The serial number of the first aircraft follows that of the Airbus A400M for Luxembourg, tail number CT-01 (c/n 104, test registration A4M104), which first flew on April 14 – see Maiden Flight for Luxembourg’s A400M, June, p13. This will be operated by the Belgian Air Force on behalf of Luxembourg and based at Melsbroek alongside the Belgian aircraft. As such it has been given a Belgian serial number. Belgium has seven A400Ms on order.

Source: AirForces Monthly - September 2020

Photo: The first Airbus A400M for the Belgian Air Force, CT-02/A4M106, gets airborne for its
maiden flight from Seville/San Pablo Airport, Spain, on July 30. Belgian Air Force (Photo by Belgian Air Force)

Editor: Adigel Jasmine XAirForces Defense Aviation and New Technologies Editor from Belgium)
Facebook.com/adigel.jasmine - Twitter.com/adigeljasemine - adigel.jasemine@gmail.com

Belgium’s first Airbus A400M flown



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