Rebtech modifies two Estonian Robinson R44s for night vision

REBTECH and partner Night Flight Concepts recently completed modifications of two Estonian Air Force helicopters for NVIS systems. Estonia is located in the Baltic region of Northern Europe.
Estonia is located in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. The Õhuvägi (Estonian Air Force) is the main arm of the Estonian aviation forces and is tasked with political, military, economic, social, environmental and psychological threats which have Night Vision Imaging Systems playing an important role in meeting its mission.
The modern day Estonian Air Force was established in 1991 after restoration of Estonia’s independence. The helicopter division consists of four R-44 aircraft used primarily for Surveillance and Search Air Rescue.
Night Flight Concepts is a night vision technology provider to REBTECH specializing in night vision goggle pilot and crewmember flight training, NVG service & maintenance repair, NVG maintenance technician training, and night vision program support.
REBTECH, based in Bedford, Texas, is best known for custom tailored night vision solutions for fixed and rotary wing aircraft around the world, can design, manufacture and install comprehensive military and civil NVG systems for any mission type required.
REBTECH, a division of REB Technologies, Inc. is a global industry leader providing advanced military and civil night vision aircraft lighting systems. Based in Bedford, Texas, the company has extensive experience developing night vision lighting for cockpit, cabin and crew stations as well as night vision systems for external airframe applications. REB Technologies has several FAA approved supplemental type certificates (STC) and has performed lighting modifications and installations for military and civil customers in over 8 different countries. REB Technologies provides FAA approved instrument repair, overhaul and modification in addition support of developmental requirements for REBTECH and their customers. REBTECH can provide additional design, engineering and developmental services for military or civil aircraft applications upon customer request.
Source: Bedford, Texas: 25 April 2011 (
Photo: The Estonian Air Force Robinson R44 light helicopter (Photo by Jevgeni Ivanov /