Belgium   Belgian Armed Forces Air Component (BAAC)
Kingdom of Belgium (Koninkrijk België / Royaume de Belgique)

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F-16 Aircraft Depot-Level MRO : S.A.B.C.A. (Charleroi Belgium) delivers its 1200th F-16.

F-16 Aircraft Depot-Level MRO : S.A.B.C.A. (Charleroi Belgium) delivers its 1200th F-16.

25 October, like several times a month, the S.A.B.C.A. flight line crew succesfully delivered an F16 aircraft to one of its customer Air Forces : this time the Belgian Air Component received back a single-seater F-16, freshly upgraded by the highly skilled technicians of the company to the latest M5 Avionics standards.

"Business as usual" for these people who already proceeded with 29 similar deliveries since the beginning of the year... with the noticeable difference that this A/C was exactly the 1200th F-16 to roll out S.A.B.C.A.'s flight Line since 26 january 1979, when the very first production F-16 was delivered to the Belgian Air Force.

S.A.B.C.A. started its common history with the F-16 more than 30 years ago, by the assembly and in-flight delivery of 222 new F-16 A/C, on behalf of three different end-users.

Since then, S.A.B.C.A. Charleroi became a global key-player for the Depot-level maintenance and upgrade of F-16 aircraft, serving nine different F-16 customers around the world.

Beside the continuous support to Belgium's and other European’s F-16 fleets, S.A.B.C.A. ensures the Depot-Level MRO of the USAF F-16 operated in the European theater. The choice made last year by the US Government to extend for another 5 years its co-operation with SABCA demonstrates S.A.B.C.A.'s abilities to provide accurate, on-time, competitive answers to the most demanding requirements.

S.A.B.C.A.'s undisputed leadership in F-16 Depot-Level Support in Europe is strengthened by a State-of-the Art F-16 wings repair shop, relying on in-house detailed wing parts manufacturing capability.

Source: ASD/SABCA News - 26 October 2012

Photo: The Belgian S.A.B.C.A.1200th F-16.Fighter Jet Aircraft (Photo by SABCA)


Belgium AF


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