3 Bodies found in wreckage of missing helicopter in Colombia

Three bodies were found Sunday in the wreckage of the Helifly company helicopter that disappeared while transporting cash last week in Colombia, the air force said.
The bodies of the three crewmen aboard the helicopter that went missing last Wednesday in the northwestern province of Antioquia were discovered after a 72-hour search, the air force said in a Twitter post.
The chopper went down in a mountainous area, the air force said.
The aircraft was flying from Riosucio to Caucasia when contact was lost with the crew in an area more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) south of the city of Carepa.
Pilot Fabio Gonzalez Paez and two guards from the Prosegur company, Ramilo Julio Hernandez and Adin Dario Castro Herazo, were aboard the helicopter, Helifly said.
Military personnel are trying to reach the crash site to recover the bodies and the wreckage.
Two Helifly choppers have crashed since the start of the year.
Three people were killed when a helicopter belonging to the company crashed in northern Antioquia on March 22. EFE
Source: Fox News Latino (latino.foxnews.com) | April 03, 2016 Photo: Image of crashed plane Antioqua. (Photo by Colombia Air Force)