Boeing Advances Biofuels, Recycling and Conservation

Boeing beats greenhouse gas reduction goal by 7.3% at work sites. Global Environment Report showcases improved environmental performance.
Boeing [NYSE: BA] today released its 2019 Global Environment Report, highlighting how the company is building cleaner, more fuel-efficient airplanes and finding innovative ways to recycle and conserve resources.
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In 2018, Boeing unveiled its new environment strategy through 2025 with ambitious goals to innovate products for environmental performance, reduce emissions, waste, and water and energy consumption at work sites, and to work with communities around the globe.
"We are committed to cleaner water, air and land, and this report highlights the wide range of efforts surrounding Boeing's environmental stewardship around the globe," said Bryan Scott, vice president of Environment, Health & Safety. Highlights of the report include: - Partnering with a UK-based recycler to keep up to 2 million pounds of excess carbon fiber from Boeing factories out of landfills per year.
- Using renewable energy to power Boeing's primary data center, saving enough electricity to power more than 4,000 homes annually.
- Working with Etihad Airways to fly a 787 Dreamliner powered partly by biofuel made from desert plants irrigated with seawater.
- Designing new energy-efficient facilities around the world, including the 737 Completion and Delivery Center in Zhoushan, China, and the fabrication facility in Sheffield, UK.
- Catalyzing development of sustainable aviation fuel and offering customers the option of using biofuel on delivery flights.
- Surpassing 2018 targets, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 7.3 percent at work sites.
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defense, space and security systems, and global services. As the top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries. Boeing employs more than 150,000 people worldwide and leverages the talents of a global supplier base. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.   Source: Boeing PRNewswire - Chicago Boeing Environment by Holly Braithwaite and Monica Zimmer - June 5, 2019 Photo: Boeing Delivers Solid Progress on 2025 Targets. (Concept art Boeing) Marry Watson (SCODLAND UK and USA XairForces Editor) SPACE TECHNOLOGY NEWS