A-29B Super Tucanos handed over to the Philippines

PhilippineS An official ceremony was held on October 13 to hand over six Embraer A-29B Super Tucano close air support aircraft to the Philippine Air Force (PAF) at Clark Air Base, Pampanga.
They will join the 15th Strike Wing, to supplement the remaining SF260s and OV-10 Broncos used in strike missions. The aircraft arrived in country in late September/early October, following delivery flights from the factory in Brazil (see Philippines’ Super Tucanos land, AFM November, p24).
During his speech at the acceptance ceremony, Philippines defence secretary Delfin Lorenzana indicated his interest in acquiring a further six aircraft, stating: “I was discussing with the Commanding General [PAF chief Lt Gen Allen Paredes] a while ago [that] having six Super Tucanos is good but another six would be better." It was not immediately clear whether this was wishful thinking, or if the PAF is seriously considering purchasing afurther six A-29Bs.
Source: AirForces Monthly - December 2020
Photo: The six Philippine Air Force A-29Bs that were handed over at Clark Air Base on October 13 (Photo by Embraer)
Editor: Kamil Kemal (Asian ©XAirForces News Editor from Malaysia) KamilKemal75@yandex.com
A-29B Super Tucanos handed over to the Philippines