Turkey   Turkish Air Force • Türk Hava Kuvvetleri
Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti)

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Turkish Primary and Basic Trainer “Hürkuş” Was Rolled Out

Turkish Primary and Basic Trainer “Hürkuş” Was Rolled Out

The assembly and manufacturing of Turkish primary and basic training aircraft "HÜRKUŞ", which was designed by TAI's engineers and served by many domestic subcontractor firms to meet the training needs requirements of Turkish Air Force, was completed and rolled out from hangar on June 27, June 2012 with a ceremony held at TAI,'s Kazan premises.

Many distinguished military and civilian officials, Turkish and European Aviation Authorities and foreign guests attended the Roll-Out Ceremony, including the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Chief of General Staff General Necdet Özel, Cabinet Members, Force Commanders, and Vecihi Hürkuş's family.


-- Compatible with pilot primary and basic training program, able to perform day and night mission, tandem seat configuration for trainer and trainee,
-- Equipped with 1600 hp turboprop engine, enabling easy transfer of trainee pilots to jet aircraft,
-- High performance and low operating cost due to state-of-the-art technology employed,
-- Designed to ensure superior performance than the competition with almost 21000 flight safety, pilotage and performance requirements
-- Documented with more than 4800 design document and 7250 technical drawing as a result of more than 1 million engineering hours,
-- Flexible in design for future applications such as surveillance and weapon upgrades

Turkey's Aviation and Aerospace Center TAI is driven with the vision of becoming a "World Brand Aerospace Company" with indigenous products and global competitive power, and is dedicated to open up new frontiers for the country.

Source: 27 June 2012 - Turkish Aerospace Industries News

Photo: TAI’s new turboprop trainer was rolled out with much fanfare on June 27; it is Turkey’s first modern indigenously-developed aircraft. (TAI photo)


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