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Russia to Deliver Four Warplanes to Belarus in 2015

Russia to Deliver Four Warplanes to Belarus in 2015

Belarus and Russia have signed a contract for the delivery of four Yak-130 Mitten jet trainers/light attack aircraft to Belarus in 2015, the Russian aircraft maker said on Tuesday.

The agreement was signed by the Belarusian Defense Ministry and Russia’s Irkut corporation.

Belarus is the first CIS state to buy the aircraft.

The Yak-130 is a highly maneuverable aircraft with an extended range of about 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles) and a maximum speed of 1,060 km/h (600 m/h) in level flight. It can carry a combat payload of up to 3,000 kilograms (6,600 pounds).

The Yak-130 has been chosen as a basic aircraft for Russian Air Force pilot training. First deliveries started in 2009.

Source: MOSCOW, RIA Novosti News - 18 December 2012

Photo: The Belarusian Air Force Yak-130 Combat trainer aircraft (Photo by


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