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Fifty years ago, on July 11, Canada's newest airshow team took to the air for their first major airshow at CFB Moose Jaw.




USMC AH-1W Super Cobra retired
• USMC AH-1W Super Cobra retired
— USA The US Marine Corps held a Whiskey Sundown Ceremony at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base....>>
US’ Afghanistan Disaster Caused by Dodging Vietnam War Lessons, Seeking Only Public Opinion Cures
• US’ Afghanistan Disaster Caused by Dodging Vietnam War Lessons, Seeking Only Public Opinion Cures
— The Afghanistan Papers have revealed the US never learned the lessons of its loss in Vietnam, w....>>
Russian AF bombs jihadist forces near Turkish military post
• Russian AF bombs jihadist forces near Turkish military post
— The Russian Air Force unleashed a new round of airstrikes over the northwestern countryside of ....>>
Iran's Guards commander says U.S. military presence in Gulf is 'an opportunity': ISNA
• Iran's Guards commander says U.S. military presence in Gulf is 'an opportunity': ISNA
— The United States’ military presence in the Gulf used to be a serious threat but now it is an o....>>
USAF F-22 Raptor stealth jets got 587 aircraft to back off in their ‘combat surge’ over Syria

• USAF F-22 Raptor stealth jets got 587 aircraft to back off in their ‘combat surge’ over Syria

Historical Events on January 18 - On This Day • Historical Events on January 18 - On This Day  
2 Million Dead or More: North Korea war
• 2 Million Dead or More: North Korea war
— 2 Million Dead (or More): Why the World Is Not Ready for War with North Korea. The label of the....>>
US Pullout From INF Treaty Likely to Set Off New Cold War - NSA Whistleblower
• US Pullout From INF Treaty Likely to Set Off New Cold War - NSA Whistleblower
— Former NSA technical director William Binney claims that any US unilateral withdrawal from the ....>>
Russian Arms Exporter, Czech Enterprise Win NATO Bid to Repair Afghan Mi-17
• Russian Arms Exporter, Czech Enterprise Win NATO Bid to Repair Afghan Mi-17
— The Czech Republic's Lom Praha state enterprise has won jointly with Russia's Rosoboronexport a....>>
Syrian Air Force denies “bulk” of planes moved to Russian airbase
• Syrian Air Force denies “bulk” of planes moved to Russian airbase
— Several U.S. media outlets claimed on Wednesday that the Syrian Air Force moved its assets to t....>>
Afghan Air Force returns to flight (6.03.2011)
Libyan Su-22UM-3K crashes near city of Benghazi (24.02.2011)
Libya warplanes bombing Tripoli: Resident (23.02.2011)
NATO warship frees crew after attack by pirates (19.02.2011)
Afghanistan Airdrop (11.02.2011)
ISR Needs Put Fighters in Surveillance Role (10.02.2011)
Flying with Iraq’s King Air Spy Planes (25.08.2009)
Baghdad C-130H crash remains a mystery (1.07.2009)
The Penny Drops: COIN Aircraft for Blackwater? (9.12.2007)
Troops battle insurgents for 4th straight day in Baghdad (1.12.2007)
U.S. airstrike in Somalia stemmed from Ethiopian tip (1.11.2007)
RAF prepares to use Typhoon in combat (13.08.2007)
Russia denies dropping bomb on Georgia (13.08.2007)
Tankers fuel the fight (13.08.2007)
Technology is no guarantee of victory (20.05.2007)
Joint STARS Exceeds 23,000 Flight Hours (30.04.2007)
A-10s provide over watch (22.02.2007)
SpecOp AC-130s logged big hours in January (22.02.2007)
Raptors impact on Iran attack (22.02.2007)
U.S. F-16 crashes in Iraq (21.12.2006)
Afghan Air Force returns to flight (6.03.2011)
Libyan Su-22UM-3K crashes near city of Benghazi (24.02.2011)
Libya warplanes bombing Tripoli: Resident (23.02.2011)
NATO warship frees crew after attack by pirates (19.02.2011)
Afghanistan Airdrop (11.02.2011)
ISR Needs Put Fighters in Surveillance Role (10.02.2011)
Flying with Iraq’s King Air Spy Planes (25.08.2009)
Baghdad C-130H crash remains a mystery (1.07.2009)
The Penny Drops: COIN Aircraft for Blackwater? (9.12.2007)
Troops battle insurgents for 4th straight day in Baghdad (1.12.2007)
U.S. airstrike in Somalia stemmed from Ethiopian tip (1.11.2007)
RAF prepares to use Typhoon in combat (13.08.2007)
Russia denies dropping bomb on Georgia (13.08.2007)
Tankers fuel the fight (13.08.2007)
Technology is no guarantee of victory (20.05.2007)
Joint STARS Exceeds 23,000 Flight Hours (30.04.2007)
A-10s provide over watch (22.02.2007)
SpecOp AC-130s logged big hours in January (22.02.2007)
Raptors impact on Iran attack (22.02.2007)
U.S. F-16 crashes in Iraq (21.12.2006)
  News Archive: Total 220     Pages, Section [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]


American Air Force News
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• Russian Arms Exporter, Czech Enterprise Win NATO Bid to Repair Afghan Mi-17

The Czech Republic's Lom Praha state enterprise has won jointly with Russia's Rosoboronexport arms exporter a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) tender on the repair of Mi-1...>>

• Syrian Air Force denies “bulk” of planes moved to Russian airbase

Several U.S. media outlets claimed on Wednesday that the Syrian Air Force moved its assets to the Russian-controlled Hmaymim Airbase in southwest Latakia....>>

• Saudi Arabian tank crew burnt alive after Houthi ambush in Yemen

Cross-border operations are taking a deadly toll on the Saudi Arabian Army (KSA) as Houthi-led troops continue to conduct hit-and-run attacks across three southern governorates of ...>>

• IRGC Navy Warns of Dire Consequences of US Warships' Amateur Behavior in Persian Gulf

A commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Navy blasted the recent change of course by a US warship towards the IRGC vessels in the Persian Gulf, and warned of the dire rep...>>

• Pilot of Syrian Jet That Crashed in Turkey Says Plane Was Shot Down

According to the Turkish newspaper, the pilot said that the jet took off from the military airbase in Syria's Latakia to carry out airstrikes on militants' targets near the Syrian ...>>

• The Scariest Wonder Weapon of Nazi Germany: Its Very Own Stealth Fighter

But of course, the flying wing’s main feature was always supposed to be its speed, which could have exceeded the maximum speed of the best Allied fighters of the time by as much as...>>

• Al-Nusra capture Syrian fighter pilot

Islamist rebels downed a Syrian fighter jet and captured its pilot Tuesday south of Aleppo where insurgents are fighting the Syrian army and allied militias....>>

• UK RAF set for the 'long-haul' against the Islamic State

The UK Royal Air Force (RAF) is confident that it can maintain its current level of operations over Iraq and Syria "for years" if needs be, a senior service official said on 30 Mar...>>

• "The ISIS, not bomb it back to the Stone Age"

Here’s why we can only contain "the Islamic State, not bomb it back to the Stone Age"



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